00:28:50 Francesca Tronetti: Hello from Erie PA 00:29:08 Eileen Lawless: Eileen from Dublin 00:29:13 Xiola-Kathleen Bromley: Hello from Turtle Island 00:29:15 Sylvia Maurer: Hello from Austria 00:29:22 angela miles: Hi All, Love from Toronto 00:29:25 KASHA & MARLA Slavner: Toronto, the traditional territory of the Huron-Wendat and Petun First Nations, the Seneca, and most recently, the Mississaugas of the Credit River. 00:30:15 Judith Wouk: Greetings from the traditional unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishnaabeg People, otherwise known as Ottawa Ontario 00:30:21 marie-Luise Oberem: hello from Marie from berlin 00:30:39 Liliana: hell0 to everyone from Texas 00:31:02 Mary Condren: Mary from Ireland 00:31:34 Judith Wouk: Remember that if you want everyone to see your greeting, you need to change the TO line to "Everyone". 00:31:57 Luciana Percovich: Luciana Percovich from Italy 00:31:59 Beebe Frazer: Yes, from Turtle Island! Now on unceded land of the Leni Lenape and Nanticoke peoples of coastal Delaware, US. 00:32:13 Nandini Nandini: Nandini from Ireland 🙂 00:33:36 Diane: https://www.maternalgifteconomymovement.org 00:37:28 Karen Walasek: I live and work on the traditional lands and territories of the áŁáŽłáŽ«áȘᏘᏱ Tsalaguwetiyi (Cherokee, East), S’atsoyaha (Yuchi), Chikashsha Yaki (Chickasaw) peoples 00:46:23 Ruth Meeron: this good for long run......right now must defend from being killed in Ukraine and elsewhere... 00:48:50 Xiola-Kathleen Bromley: ` Pfas is war technology 01:02:23 Louisa Calio: Vandana so excellent to bring in all of the areas we are addressing from Homelessness, racial bias, food and water and the hijacking of Real Food, of solar and wind for nuclear and the prayers and meditations that will create resonance to bring us to sewing the seeds and healing our world Gaia and community. 01:02:41 Diane: https://starhawk.org 01:02:44 Kaarina Kailo: hi everyone, kaarina from finland 01:03:21 Louisa Calio: Hi Kaarina this is Louisa from Jamaica West Indies. 01:03:59 Jeffrey Turnbull: ...as one *awakened divine human family*...realizing how INSANE/UNEVOLVED/IGNORANT/DENSE STUOID AND MALEVOLENT IS the entire zionazi anti-christ fascist patriarchal petroleum nationalist controlled system is. 01:04:54 Louisa Calio: The land of the Taino people of West Indies 01:07:33 Xiola-Kathleen Bromley: sunflowers are the 4th sister 01:11:55 Melody LeBaron: Thank you, Starhawk! 01:13:19 Starhawk: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/help-buy-a-first-aid-kit-for-ukraine?fbclid=IwAR1u4IsSRDk2jowHhIbR6zxavM_WaC5nR0e-1v8GhIKDuyn8RHT9xErLU-M 01:13:34 Louisa Calio: Thank you for your blessing and the vital and important union of the practical and spiritual. Many of my spiritual friends feel anything practical is contaminating..you have unified us all on all levels. This is a message I hope will be sent out on social media and reach so many who are confused and feeling lost..You are my light and inspiration. 01:15:09 vanessa ferrin: your reasonable and quiet affirming of people nature I look up to, Starhawk! 01:15:20 marie-Luise Oberem: thank you for this beautiful sunflower meditation with much appreciation 01:15:29 Nandini Nandini: Thank you. 01:15:31 Starhawk: http://earthactivisttraining.org/ 01:16:19 Starhawk: And our fund for Afghan refugees: https://secure.givelively.org/donate/alliance-of-community-trainers/earth-activists-emergency-fund-for-afghan-relief?fullName=Miriam+Simos&email=stella%40mcn.org 01:23:39 Jeffrey Turnbull: ...as one *awakened divine human family*...realizing how INSANE/UNEVOLVED/IGNORANT/DENSE STUPID AND MALEVOLENT IS the entire satanic/Talmudic/Vatican/freemasonic zionazi anti-christ fascist patriarchal petroleum nationalist militarist controlled system. Saying 'zionazi' is NOT "anti-Semitic" ("anti-Semitic" is a completely deceptive manipulative evasionary conflationary usage. The Zionists themselves are anti-Semitic, because many Arabs are semitic peoples.) I am for the timeless essence'l whole-y Unicity Reality of the Awakened divine human family. I am NOT "anti-Semitic," but rather *anti-satanic," i.e., anti-lying, anti-bullshytt/anti-B.S.(anti-Belief Structures), anti-satanic corporate controlled media propaganda, anti-inequality, anti-murder, anti-war/-terrorism/-genocide, anti-apartheid, anti- weapons manufacturers, anti-war contractors... 01:28:15 Letecia Layson: Jodie has an invitation extended to everyone to type into the chat how you have transformed your reaction to response. 01:33:25 Jeffrey Turnbull: Rumi: Even...after...eons gone/ The Sun never says to the Planets/ You owe me... Behold!...all that unfolds/ From such Pure Gift as this... The Sky's warm and Light/ And all are Free! 01:34:01 Mary Condren: Herew's a beautiful little film, short, that the Irish Government made for Patrick's Day, where all the buildings were lit up in blue and yellow to honour Ukraine, at the same time as an Irish singer sang a abeautiful song on thetragedy of what happened in Ireland for over 35 years. 01:34:05 Mary Condren: https://twitter.com/newschambers/status/1504205293403750409 01:34:24 Melody LeBaron: Thank you, Mary! 01:35:25 Jodie Evans: finding Starhawk on instagram is easy, just type in her name. 01:35:44 Jodie Evans: https://www.codepink.org/peaceeconomy 01:35:59 Jodie Evans: https://www.codepink.org/openletter_ukraine 01:39:17 Cecilia Gruessing: How do you create a dialogue with a white supremacist who has no empathy for others? How do you stop someone who does not want a dialogue? I believe a non violent, putin imprisonment coup is necessary. 01:39:17 Jeffrey Turnbull: Why did Y'shua stop using money? St. Francis? Buddha? Because they saw/knew the ramifications created within that entire fear-and-lack- and-inequality based patriarchal/capitalist/fascist construct. 01:40:36 Nandini Nandini: In relation to the current Ukraine and Russia war, something that I am struggling with is not taking sides. On one hand, the ambience of Gift is all inclusive but on the other hand neutrality could also mean annexing on the side of the “oppressor”. As Desmond Tutu would say “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.” 01:42:20 Letecia Layson: From Peggy Antrobus to all All the speakers have reflected on the connections between all the crises and wars - the climate crisis, the public health crisis, the food and refugee crisis
.Starhawke recognised that we can only work on one thing, but we can recognise that that one thing contributes to changing things. We need a campaign of autonomous organisations, networks movements all reconize the need for another world. The technology allows us to do this now in a way we haven’t had before. A new non-aligned movement - anti-racist, anti-colonial -is emerging 01:43:24 Genevieve Vaughan: I think Putin needs a way out 01:44:18 Diane: It will be up by tomorrow @ https://www.maternalgifteconomymovement.org 01:44:22 Jeffrey Turnbull: We are now in an apocalypse...do you know the meaning of this Greek word? It means, literally, DISCLOSURE, revealing/revelations of all the falsehoods and murders and skeletons that have been hidden for centuries...finally--- and ironically by the means of modern capitalist-produced communications technologies---being brought TO THE LIGHT. 01:44:27 paola melchiori: A voice (non voice) from Italy 1. Read Virginia Woolf in 1940; Peace thoughts during an air raid . Incredibly actual. Its about being under a raid, using the power of the mind to answer, to see the roots of it. 2.The core is to be able to stay tuned with what is happening in reality among the powers of the earth, and among the victims ,and at the same time put in the public space a radical visible positive operational cut with that, a call able to call the minds somewhere else than just respond to the fight with a fight. 3. In this spirit we keep Ukrainian and Russian women to talk to each other, we open refugees ashrams, we keep the capacity of dialogue going ahead in difficult spaces/languages, fight polarizations, as for example now the positions to support or less support Ukraine are very very and dangerously polarized.We have to keep we feminists outside alignment , continue ue to see \ show the economic, the patriarchal roots together of that’d insist in diplomacy where everyone has to accept to l. 01:44:40 paola melchiori: Loose something. 01:48:12 Jodie Evans: Peaceinukraine.org 01:49:31 Cecilia Gruessing: Put him in handcuffs.... Does not deserve a dialogue 01:50:30 Margarita Rosa Tirado MejĂ­a: Thank you all for wise loving words, and actions, I belivedeeply in Maternal gift economy ÂĄÂżHow can we talk with all responsables of the economical, political, crisis, for example in Colombia, through the "thuth Commities" when they do not accept the are the Victimaries
 cause as 01:51:28 Margarita Rosa Tirado MejĂ­a: And accep the responsability of thuth for restaurations? 01:51:40 Diane: https://electricsmoothies.org 01:51:45 Genevieve Vaughan: Can you suggest a face saving way out for Putin, even if later he is tried and condemned? 01:52:15 Letecia Layson: This is where you can join Starhawk Fridays 9AM Pacific Time on Instagram for Protecting Ukraine https://www.instagram.com/starhawk_spiral/ 01:53:41 Xiola-Kathleen Bromley: https://electricsmoothies.org/ 01:56:33 angela miles: Surely this kind of information is essential for all of us who want peace. What can we do to learn more and share the information? Why is it so difficult to get here?? 01:56:37 Jeffrey Turnbull: And YET...everyone who drives a petrol- powered automobile and who pays to re-fuel it weekly is a HUGE COG IN SUPPORT OF THE Zionazi terrorist owned and controlled MILITARY-PETROL- Capitalist-fascist construct. Look at the cognitive dissonance so many of US are engaging in on this topic! (I am not a vehicle owner, I don't pay into the petrol-military control system...and I do NOT participate in Federal Reserve IRS Income tax extortion delusion game.) Until one awakens to liberate themself from this system, how can one pretend one is not responsible for perpetuating the satanic lying murderous insanity. 01:56:37 Cecilia Gruessing: How do you get Putin to sit at a table when he will not even sit close to his generals at the same table. He isolates himself from his own people, so I don't think he will come to any table. He needs to be taken over with handcuffs by his own people. 01:58:03 Cecilia Gruessing: Maybe he would sit at the table with trump!!!! 02:03:36 vanessa ferrin: My name is Vanessa Ferrin. I am in Waukegan, Illinois 02:04:04 Diane: Can Kelli tell us about her book? 02:09:23 Diane: http://www.freedomvoices.org/new/kelly-curry-until-the-streets-of-the-hood-flood-with-green 02:09:30 Sonja Z: @Cecilia I agree. Putin more or less decriminalized domestic violence 5 years ago. His own people need to turn against him. 02:10:10 vanessa ferrin: I put learning into action by donating to causes, posting links to those causes on social media, going to political activist events, posting news articles on social media and donations to causes and starting fundraisers and telling my classes when I substitute teach. 02:10:19 Genevieve Vaughan: Let’s start calling American Billionaires ‘Oligarchs’ 02:12:22 vanessa ferrin: can someone put link to starhawks instagram 9 p.m activism again? and what day was it? 02:12:23 Luciana Percovich: I think we are living now a sort of final acting out of western patriarchal attitudes going on from 5 millennia but visible to everyone this time and in real time- as some of us pointed out before - and together with the new reawakening of women and indigenous peoples all around the world makes this moment a real new portal for a shift in history! love to all and many many thanks for this opportunity to exchenge hope and strenght! 02:13:07 Genevieve Vaughan: Yes Luciana I agree! 02:13:28 vanessa ferrin: Chat wont let me 02:14:13 vanessa ferrin: Thank you Leticia 02:14:24 Diane: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=codepink 02:14:42 vanessa ferrin: I saw your repost Leticia of the Starhawk Instagram activism link 02:15:12 Diane: https://www.codepink.org/ceasefire_ukraine_women 02:16:32 Xiola-Kathleen Bromley: yes. 02:16:53 Karen Walasek: 💛 02:17:39 vanessa ferrin: ..looks like the goddesses have joined us based on what I see in the cabinet behind the speaker that just spoke :) 02:19:35 Jeffrey Turnbull: Q: How many zen masters does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: The universe spins the bulb, and the master gets out of its way. That is, many "awakened masters" say:. "Do nothing...simply cease believing falsehoods. Awaken to the timeless universal Truth of ever-innate pure awareness identity/being...this reveals the view of the whole-y Unicity Reality, i.e., the Oneness & interdependence in/of ALL...and leave behind the false ego sense of separateness. In order to be a liberated soul, one must awaken from the false, limited identification merely with the physical humanoid aspect of identity. We instead come to know ourselves as the sublime whole. 02:19:40 Beebe Frazer: Is saving the chat possible? I don’t see an icon for this. 02:20:07 Diane: The chat will be posted on the website. 02:20:51 Margarita Rosa Tirado MejĂ­a: Thanks for the loveof all you wise womoon, thanks Gen, Leticia, Lilina, Diane, Elena for your love and persistence of all and holding us toghether 02:21:11 Xiola-Kathleen Bromley: đŸŒ» 02:22:18 Genevieve Vaughan: The next salon will also be on Peace and War 02:22:42 Diane: https://www.maternalgifteconomymovement.org 02:23:16 Diane: Kelli https://electricsmoothies.org 02:23:19 Karen Walasek: Thank you everyone! Powerful an inspiring presentations! 02:23:24 Diane: https://www.codepink.org 02:23:33 Sylvia Maurer: Thank you! 02:23:57 Xiola-Kathleen Bromley: Plastic Ono Band - Give Peace A Chance (1969) https://youtu.be/ftE8vr0WNus 02:23:57 vanessa ferrin: I wish that at the start of this talk that your speaker who while having an impressive resume of her work in India and elsewhere, would not have blamed this on white people.All white people are not responsible for the world's ills, but instead specific governments and individuals. P.s, zJeffrey Turnbull: Nazi's were a specific group of people, Zionists are different people, the Vatican are different people.Lumping them together is lazy and diminishes your cause and makes you look unstable. Petty and attention-getting looking to call Jewish people nazi's without a rational point-by-point discussion.I'm surprised your comment was left up.I'm not even going to post mine until the end..