00:28:10 Judith Wouk: Be sure to change the TO line to everyone if you want everyone to see your greeting. 00:28:17 Sylvia Maurer: Hello from Austria! 00:28:18 Darcia Narvaez: Hello from Indiana! 00:28:30 lori amy: Greetings from Savannah, Geoergia!! 00:28:38 Genevieve Vaughan: Hi this is Gen from Austin, Texas 00:28:44 Michael Ann Dodson: hi from new mexico 00:28:45 Joan Wilton: Greetings from Winnipeg / Treaty1, Canada 00:28:51 R. Michael Fisher: Greetings from Barbara Bickel & Michael Fisher in Nanaimo British Columbia Canada - looking forward to this talk today!!! 00:29:26 Medwyn McConachy: Hello from Medwyn on the unceded territory of the Hul'q'umi'num and SENĆOŦEN speaking peoples, known as Salt Spring Island BC Canada 00:29:34 Judith Wouk: Greetings from the traditional unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishnaabeg People otherwise known as Ottawa, Ontario 00:30:11 Sonja Z: Good evening from Germany. 00:30:20 Diane: https://www.maternalgifteconomymovement.org 00:33:44 Gabriella Gabrielle: Hello from the Black Forest (Goddess Abnoba's Forest) in SW Germany at Goddess Brigit's source springs - Brigach and Breg - of Mother River Danube! I'm so happy to be here with you all! I'm a sister Goddess Scholar and Practitioner of Glenys Livingstone's PaGaian Cosmology. 00:34:05 Mary Ann Beall: Best from everyone from Sandy Spring Maryland. Love & Light Mary Ann 01:02:12 Medwyn McConachy: Such a beautiful presentation Nané your work is so inspiring, you embody the wisdom you have developed through this dedication to mother birthing planental gifting. 01:02:26 Cristina Herencia: What a wonderful presentation... Thanks, many many thanks... it brought tears to my eyes, happy sweet, tears!!... 01:07:00 lori amy: Letecia, that comment — to not have to be afraid to grow up as a woman — that feels like a flash of light illuminating both the violences we live and the (re)evolutionary movement of the maternal gift economy . . . 01:10:29 Beebe Frazer: Another greeting from mid-Atlantic, Lewes DE. I cried tender tears through Nane’s presentation too. I’m a retired midwife, 942 births, and appreciated every word, image, and memory. Thank you! 01:16:12 Gabriella Gabrielle: Nané, Darcia, and Letecia, Such joy to be attending to your wisdom, knowledge, and experience; BEARING witness to and receiving the Gift! Gratitude and Love! 01:34:33 Joan Wilton: What was the title of the book on the right? 01:34:38 Darcia Narvaez: http://www.BreakingTheCycle.org 01:34:55 Darcia Narvaez: Book on right: Indigenous Sustainable Wisdom 01:36:55 Darcia Narvaez: I'm happy to send the slides to people. See also many presentations (with slides) at EvolvedNest.org and our YouTube channels. 01:37:31 Darcia Narvaez: Email me for slides: dnarvaez@nd.edu 01:38:44 Gabriella Gabrielle: Thank you, Darcia for your email for the slides! 01:40:43 lori amy: A comment and a request for your reflections, Darcia and Nané: Coming from a place of extreme and sustained early childhood trauma, much of my life has been in the service of understanding and working through the effects of this (and my academic scholarship has chronicled this trajectory). What I find with the maternal Gift Economy movement is a space — the social womb — that is a help for the neural rescripting so necessary in my own living. So can you reflect more on this? (Placental roots, neuroceptoin development later in life . . )? 01:42:06 Jessica Lipps: wow — thank you for sharing that bit 01:44:12 Gabriella Gabrielle: I am so sorry to hear about this censorship, Darcia! Unfortunately, it is happening in all areas. 01:45:25 lori amy: Yes — it is happening across the board — and the universities are so completely imbricated in the cultural violences we have to rescript. I recently had to walk away from my tenured senior professor position at a US university for exactly this reason — and Gen, YES — we do NOT have tie to do it slowly . . . 01:51:36 Gabriella Gabrielle: I agree, Gen and Lori - we don't have time to shift slowly. And yes, Letecia, transformation within each of us - and equally between and amongst us. 01:52:14 Gabriella Gabrielle: The breast is also tree-like, 01:52:27 Jessica Lipps: Yes! Love Iain. Thank you for linking him he. 01:52:41 Jessica Lipps: here 01:54:14 Darcia Narvaez: Look up the books by and film about Iain McGilchrist regarding the takeover of western culture by left-brain functioning. 01:58:10 Gabriella Gabrielle: Yes, Yay, Iain! 01:59:24 Gabriella Gabrielle: Love your beautiful soprano, Darcia! 01:59:42 Darcia Narvaez: http://www.ecoattachment.dance 02:00:11 Jessica Lipps: Thank you for such a rich community. Thank you for this richness 02:02:12 Gabriella Gabrielle: Nané, your words resonant for me with the work of Brian Swimme. 02:02:34 Nané Jordan: yes! 02:03:33 Gabriella Gabrielle: Imagine all these phases of our lives in a trauma-free, healed world! 02:07:42 lori amy: Re-mothering — YES~ 02:07:49 Gabriella Gabrielle: and Homo Amans 02:08:24 Darcia Narvaez: See Four Arrows CAT-FAWN 02:08:56 Patricia Herr: I have just come to understand, thanks to you wise ladie,s that wisdom is alive, interactive, relational and nurturing whereas "facts" reflect an Illusion of the scientific materialistic paradigm - the Illusion of absolute and exclusive truth... Patricia, with love 02:09:38 kathie wallace: I call it the Trauma Shroud: a culture of pain 02:10:45 kathie wallace: Hopefully we can learn a better and more permanent "high" of health and love with re-mothering and a new worldview 02:18:15 Gabriella Gabrielle: Can you please sing us for us now, Darcia? 02:19:06 Gabriella Gabrielle: You have such a Beautiful voice, Darcia! 02:19:59 Gabriella Gabrielle: Thank you, I sang with you, Darcia! 02:20:36 Diane: Gen’s album http://gift-economy.com/songs-for-the-tree-of-life/ 02:21:26 Gabriella Gabrielle: Thank you, Gen! I sang with you1 02:21:39 Darcia Narvaez: Thank you, Gabriella! 02:22:49 Gabriella Gabrielle: Yay, Nane, I sang with you! 02:23:00 kathie wallace: Bless you one and all. May all our mother songs flood over mother earth and wash away the discord. 02:23:32 Diane: https://evolvednest.org 02:24:19 Darcia Narvaez: https://www.kindredmedia.org/glossary/indigenous-worldview/ 02:24:26 Joan Wilton: This was such a wonderful gathering. Deep gratitude to the presenters and all involved. 😘 02:24:52 lori amy: Thank you all so much!!!! 02:25:17 Gabriella Gabrielle: It would be wonderful to receive the whole chat! Blessings, Blissings, Love and Gratitude to all! 02:26:14 Sylvia Maurer: Thank you so much, it was such a pleasure being with you today!!! 02:26:14 Gabriella Gabrielle: Wow, Gen! What a great title! 02:26:22 Sonja Z: Thank you all! 02:27:01 Gabriella Gabrielle: Gen, have you worked with Silvia Federici? 02:27:25 Darcia Narvaez: Question on transgender: The toxins in the environment, like plastics, influence sex hormones, making males more feminine and females more masculine. Evidence from animals (e.g., frogs) has shown various sex effects.