00:13:24 Martina Meier: hello, I am Martina Meier, Switzerland 00:13:44 Petra Oorthuijs: Hi all, Petra here from Ireland 00:15:02 Patricia Herr: Kwe'! Greetings, love and gratitude from somewhere over here in Germany 🌷✨ 00:17:54 Bob Reckhow: Before the white folks arrived where I live, the people we now call Cowichan Tribes had been living for millennia in matriarchal harmony with nature and with each other. We have a long road to find our way back there. 00:23:10 Letecia Layson: If you would like your comments to be seen by all participants and panelists, send it to "Everyone" 00:24:45 dusty w: Sending Loving Blessings to All , from dusty w (she) on Pomo Miwok Land! 💖🕊️✨ 00:26:38 dusty w: Special Loving Helloes to Joan 💖💖💖(your long time friend in Sonoma Co.) 00:57:25 marta benavides: hola, great experience for today and future.. more work like that has and can be done about the care of ourselves and the ocean… DO YOU HAVE THIS PRESENTATION IN SPANISH? gracias..marta 01:00:24 Marie Long: clearly children today desperately need a reality-based identity. 01:03:31 Patricia Herr: What ever "reality" means, dear Marie. What we experience and percieve as our reality is so much shaped by the worldview we are taught .... 01:09:20 Marie Long: when you get into a solipsistic view of reality, you are in trouble as a society. reality is based in ancient heritage, it is observable. it means seeing what is there, it is the opposite of delusional, patriarchal society 01:15:33 Patricia Herr: Thank you both for sharing the awareness of the importance of Mythologie, Archeology and each and every source of Ancestrel Knowlege for reconnecting to our female wisdom and powers. And for rebuilding a life in loving connectedness with Mother Nature, with all her beautiful Habitats, life forms and elements. You are so blessed to live close to the Ocean and to be able to dive into the depth of the cradle of life. So much time has passed since most of us women had a chance to experience and be tought what it means to live according to our full postential. 01:16:19 Letecia Layson: Please enter any questions you have either here in the chat or in the Q & A 01:17:31 Marie Long: this discussion is so brilliant and so important. thank you Maria and Joan. love Gimbutas. 01:18:14 dusty w: Muchas Muchas Gracias de mi Corozon, con amor💖 01:21:20 Peggy Antrobus: Thanks Maria and Joan for this fascinating presentation. My question to Maria is What are some of the challenges you’ve faced in pursuing this program on your own terms - challenges from the academy, the government and the business community? 01:23:34 Marie Long: yes, yes, yes, a reclaiming. no wonder the backlash. 01:24:39 Renee Ariel: I remember seeing the books for the first time. It was life altering. 🙏 01:25:07 Patricia Herr: By the way... Sister Moon is in her full Light and Beauty today. The 11th moon has just started her turn today - the Moon of "Walks Tall Woman" accordig to the teachings of the 13 Sacred Clanmothers, passed on and shared with us by Jamie Sams. It is time for us to walk tall again .... 01:28:08 Susan Moulton: Recent science is now creating partnerships between Indigenous people and science to understand how to respond to climate change. In theology theologians like Karen Armstrong’s recent book on Sacred Nature indicate Indigenous perspectives are becoming central in many core disciplines. Archaeomythology combines information to find truth outside politics. It is inspiring that this underwater exploration is moving beyond finding gold and objects western culture values. 01:28:14 Bob Reckhow: I discovered Maria G. through The Chalice and the Blade 01:30:10 Marie Long: unfortunately the acadamy has become so woke that it is losing all credibility 01:32:54 Ronnie Leah: The responses of my students in the goddess course I teach at Athabasca U in Canada are about remembering, coming home, as they re/connect with matriarchal goddess cultures. As Joan said, this is so powerful for women, and all of us, to remember who we are., drawing guidance from our ancestors to care for the earth, all people, all beings on our precious Mother Earth. 01:47:06 Marie Long: her womanhood and her brilliance were totally threatening to patriarchy. 01:48:26 Patricia Herr: It is one of the "tools" and "weapons" of the ones who want to hold on to patriarchie, kapitalism and materialism, to agnowlege only a few ways and layers of understanding, gethering and sharing insights and information. Thus only the Information that serves their goals ist taken serious. 01:48:49 Liliana: Tracy Gary Can you please rewrite your question? 01:49:05 dusty w: Will we be only reading and writing our communications with All , or able to communicate orally ,from and to each others’ Hearts?💖 01:49:21 Marie Long: yep, Patricia 01:55:59 dusty w: Our Hearts’ Intuitions ! Yes! Ashe ! 01:56:05 Coral Wynter: If we as a society are to move forward, we have to discover and reclaim the importance of women and how we lived in Neolithic and Palaeolithic times. We have to rewrite history and the contribution we made to the development of our knowledge of the world. We have been deliberately written out of history. Every new piece of data, such as Maria is doing , will help and change the present imbalance. 01:57:15 Ronnie Leah: how can we find the opening video? 01:58:04 Diane: Here is the opening video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uh939hoFl-8 01:58:27 marta benavides: I AM MUTTED .. I WANTED TO RESPOND TO MARIA'S QUESTION.. PLS? MARTA 02:01:42 marta benavides: MARIA.. I AM IN DESTIERRO.. WE ARE WKNG TO STOP THE TAKE OVER BY THE PRESIDENT, 02:02:38 marta benavides: ALSO.. WE HAVE A LOT OF PROB OF THE PRESIDENT TAKING OVER ALL THE COASTAL AREA.. KICKING FISHER PEOPLE FROM THE ISLANDS..AND ALL COASTAL AREAS 02:05:24 Peggy Antrobus: Martha, to what country are you referring? 02:05:26 dusty w: MARTA: I received a reply , kindly, from Diane, “Hi Dusty - Today’s Salon is in webinar format so questions are in the chat or Q&A..” 02:05:47 Tracy Gary: Matus, Thsnk u. I am so pleased u have monetizad ur gifts!! And theirs! Brava! Brilliant, and such a powerful example and ur shared use of herstory n the ancestors. U m have gifted thru the psssion n purpose that you both - avd so many of us, know propels and focuses our energies avd accomplishments! 02:05:47 marta benavides: THERE ARE NOW THE BIGGEST JAILS IN THE CONTINENT - CECOT THEY ARE CALL .. MORE THAN 70 THOUSAND PEOPLE MOST PEASANTS, FISHER AND INDIGENOUS PEOPLES .. MOST YOUTH.. I GOT STUCK IN THE USA.. AND CONTINUE TO WK WITH STOPPING THE AUTHORITARIAN REGIME THAT IS BEING SPREAD IN THE LAT AM CARIBBEAN.. TOO BAD WE NEVER DISCUSSED THIS SITUATION AND THE IMPACT TO THE GIFT ECONOMY, 02:06:04 marta benavides: MARIA SEND THE INFO YOU OFFER TO ME.. GRACIASS..MARTA 02:06:13 dusty w: Power to your People Marta!!! 02:06:26 marta benavides: I MUST GO TO ANOTHER MTG RIGHT NOW.. MARTA 02:06:33 Diane: maternalgifteconomy@gmail.com 02:06:57 Marie Long: WOW! Brilliant session. thank you thank you thank you 02:07:21 Sonja Z: Great salon! Thank you so much, Joan and Maria. 02:07:59 Ronnie Leah: so inspiring and heartening 02:08:15 Bob Reckhow: Thanks! This has been a great salon. 02:08:28 marta benavides: FOR PEGGY.. THIS IS ON EL SALV .. AND THE WAY OF THE TAKE OVER IS GOING ON IN THE WHOLE OF CENTRAL AM AND THE CONTINENT... AND CARIBBEAN..MARTA 02:09:22 Peggy Antrobus: Martha, Thanks for drawing this to the attention of participants 02:09:26 dusty w: Lets us ALs and L Be Connected: dustyw@sonic.net Hope to hear from you! dear Sister Kindreds!!!💖 02:09:33 Tracy Gary: Please : Letecia, May we receive this great tape and the chat! Brilliant n inspiring use of herstiry, powers within n about and passion & l purpose to the next Gen! So grateful. 02:09:34 Martina Meier: Thank you so much, I will be an interested Reader of Joan Marlers Books and Articles and of everything Maria Suarez told us. And I will Keep the spirit! Best regards from Martina, daughter of Carola Meier-Seethaler 02:09:50 Ronnie Leah: thank you for drawing attention Palestine. 02:10:34 dusty w: Let’s ALL stay connected: dustyw@sonic.net 02:10:34 Beebe Frazer: Brilliant, inspiring, deeply emotional salon. Thank you! 02:10:45 Patricia White: Thank You. 🙂 🙏 02:12:09 dusty w: Gracious Gracias a Todos! Gracious Thanks to All who helped this WonderFull webinar happen! Love you All! dusty w on Pomo Miwok Land 02:12:32 dusty w: The Veil is Thin….between the worlds…