00:46:04 Jodie Evans: Sign on to Jews letter to Germany to stop support of Israel in ICJ https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSewrhGCVb65utkrKv2kctD67cVEIQSCkt-eLU0Lpm7IGm_6ZA/viewform Stop the bombardment of Yemen https://www.codepink.org/handsoffyemen What you can do for Palestine https://www.codepink.org/palestine Support South Africa at the ICJ https://www.codepink.org/icj 00:47:44 Jodie Evans: https://www.codepink.org/bdstoolkit 00:51:08 Susan Chan: Thank you Laura Kandle. I have a parallel experience within the Evangelical Christian community. 00:52:37 Laura KANDLE: Reacted to "Thank you Laura Ka..." with ❤️ 00:54:04 Laura KANDLE: Jewish Voice for Peace Power Half-Hour for Gaza: Channel grief & fear into action to stop a genocide: https://jvp-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Un0Lupy1SFObVVXJaZO5UQ?_x_zm_rtaid=s2VcXTDVRHmqNmeblDghfQ.1705769439768.005c755c592f70b9aedb8358c3c5b6fb&_x_zm_rhtaid=28#/registration 00:54:45 Laura KANDLE: Jewish Voice for Peace Act Now page: https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/take-action/#act-now 00:56:41 Guadalupe Urbina: Thank you Laura and Jodie for sharing your experience and vision. 01:03:06 Nan Peacocke: I thank Gen and her team for organizing this and glad to be here but so sorry that I cannot unmute. I’m so moved by what everyone has said and I want to add my voice 01:09:16 Medea Benjamin: Yes, Nan, it is great that the US can no longer strong-arm countries to stop them from supporting South Africa!!! 01:14:55 Jo Hayward-Haines: thank you Miki!! 01:15:55 Diane: Thank you to all the speakers! 01:16:12 tracy gary: Beautiful ALL, Very powerful and great learning and inspiration. Thank you each. Gen and Letecia, also for proceeding with courage as all have had. So helpful to yes, Peggy our understanding and healing, we hope. Mikie your perspective and showing up is MUCH appreciated given our discussion earlier this week. So happy you contributed. ALL. 01:16:30 Nicki Koethner: Thank you all for the contributions and opening the deep questions and being the examples of taking actions inside-out. Thank you Miki for bringing it all together in your clarity. 01:16:46 Miki Kashtan: here's a statement with the sentiments i named here and can be read and signed: https://nglcommunity.org/responding-to-war-with-love/ 01:17:29 Patricia* Herr: Reacted to "here's a statement w..." with 💖 01:18:38 shana deane: Reacted to "here's a statement w..." with 💖 01:19:20 Judith Wouk: Sounds like a wonderful festival, Vivi. I am a great fan of Laura Shannon. 01:19:46 Vivi Letsou: Vivi Letsou from www.zenrocksmani.com and Thrive Festival, email: viviletsou@mac.com 01:20:00 Vivi Letsou: From Greece thank you so much 01:22:18 Medea Benjamin: iF the pro-Israel position is pro-Zionist, that is an oppressive position. There is a pro-Palestinian position that is pro-liberation. I am pro-liberation. 01:25:06 Catherine Lombard: https://loveandwill.com/2023/11/01/i-cannot-live-without-you/ 01:25:19 Letecia Layson: Thank you, Catherine 01:25:25 Diane: Thank you 01:25:34 Patricia* Herr: Reacted to "https://loveandwill...." with 🙏 01:25:44 Miki Kashtan: Reacted to "https://loveandwill...." with ❤️ 01:25:57 Nicki Koethner: thank you 01:27:00 Vivi Letsou: Ronnie can you send us your info? Thank you for your honesty, and message of peace and unity 01:27:43 Judith Wouk: Miki & Ronnie: One of the things that I would like to do some time is take the words of one side and substitute the names from the other side (with whatever other necessary changes) and see if people can identify which side said them. 01:28:07 Miki Kashtan: Reacted to "Miki & Ronnie: One ..." with 👍 01:28:13 Nicki Koethner: Reacted to "Miki & Ronnie: One ..." with 👍 01:28:40 Ronnie Joy Leah: Ronnie Joy, Calgary. ronnijoy@telus.net 01:30:27 shana deane: 3 Camps: Pro-Israeli, Pro-Palestinian and Pro-Peace. (from Charles Eisenstein) Pro-Israeli and Pro-Palestinian speak the same language in reverse. Pro-Peace is a whole different animal. (from Miki Kashtan) 01:30:35 Bob in BC Canada: I am in Cowichan Bay phone 780-909-4803 01:36:11 Miki Kashtan: Replying to "iF the pro-Israel po..." thank you medea. i, too, am longing for liberation, and for me it's liberation for all. that's the key for me for any possibility of having a livable future for all of life, not only humans. 01:37:35 shana deane: Reacted to "thank you medea. i, ..." with ❤️ 01:39:10 Tina Minkowitz: Reacted to "iF the pro-Israel po…" with 👍 01:40:02 Ronnie Joy Leah: Replying to "iF the pro-Israel po..." peace is only possible with justice, when all are free from oppression. peace is more than the absence of war. it is our common humanity and respect for the preciousness of all life on the planet. 01:40:19 Vivi Letsou: Yes please make this meeting available through YouTube or any venue of your choice. We will all share. Right Tracy: we all feel enriched and honored. Thank you for this powerful meeting! 01:40:31 Letecia Layson: Reacted to "Yes please make this..." with 👍 01:40:39 shana deane: Reacted to "Yes please make this..." with 👍 01:42:22 Miki Kashtan: it was laura 01:44:40 Miki Kashtan: please add me tl the list... i can't raise my hand given zoom's limitations when being co-host. 01:44:50 Patricia* Herr: Reacted to "peace is only possib..." with 💖 01:45:13 Diane: Got it Miki 01:45:30 Patricia* Herr: Reacted to "thank you medea. i, ..." with ❤️ 01:49:55 Laura KANDLE: That is a beautiful idea, Miki 01:50:24 paola melchiori: Miki we tried re the Ukraine war …. 01:50:35 Susan Chan: That is a very good idea--Women in White, women as shields to turn back the streams of war. 01:51:10 Miki Kashtan: 100,000... i think the huge number is necessary. i don't know what happened in ukraine 01:51:27 Bob in BC Canada: As an ally, I would join as a man in white. 01:51:37 Diane: Reacted to "As an ally, I would ..." with ❤️ 01:51:41 shana deane: Reacted to "As an ally, I would ..." with ❤️ 01:51:43 Letecia Layson: Reacted to "As an ally, I would ..." with 👍 01:51:52 Nicki Koethner: Reacted to "As an ally, I would ..." with 👍 01:52:23 Patricia White: Reacted to "As an ally, I would ..." with ❤️ 01:52:24 Jodie Evans: Sign on to Jews letter to Germany to stop support of Israel in ICJ https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSewrhGCVb65utkrKv2kctD67cVEIQSCkt-eLU0Lpm7IGm_6ZA/viewform Stop the bombardment of Yemen https://www.codepink.org/handsoffyemen What you can do for Palestine https://www.codepink.org/palestine Support South Africa at the ICJ https://www.codepink.org/icj 01:52:32 Vivi Letsou: OPIS had a fantastic webinar also with 4 citizens, 2 Israelis and 2 Palestinians who actually have a very specific solution to propose. Check it out at: 01:52:46 Vivi Letsou: www.preventsuffering.org 01:52:55 shana deane: some vision juice of what might be possible for humans... 100,000 women in white going to places of war and the taboo of killing that massive number of women will stop the killing. 01:53:06 Nicki Koethner: Reacted to "That is a very good ..." with 👍 01:53:44 Maha Noureldin: What a wonderful discussion! Thank you, all! Sorry, had to leave for 2 minutes & must leave now. Will check the recording. Let’s do the women-in-white action! I’m in as a Muslim activist. Salam :)) 01:53:58 Diane: Reacted to "What a wonderful dis..." with ❤️ 01:53:59 Nicki Koethner: Reacted to "What a wonderful dis..." with 👍 01:54:08 Letecia Layson: Reacted to "What a wonderful dis..." with ❤️ 01:54:17 Laura KANDLE: Reacted to "What a wonderful d..." with ❤️ 01:54:18 Genevieve Vaughan: Love to you Maha 01:54:28 Genevieve Vaughan: Thank you for coming 01:54:32 Patricia White: Reacted to "What a wonderful dis..." with ❤️ 01:55:21 Vivi Letsou: https://youtu.be/ZSDrGfyPVSk?si=2_KdoMs9f5wFI1e- 01:55:48 Jodie Evans: https://www.codepink.org/peaceeconomy 01:55:48 Tina Minkowitz: I am a Jewish lesbian feminist and have come a long road to anti Zionism. I want to share a few articles that I got from another Jewish feminist that are good for understanding the totality of historical context. First https://www.bostonreview.net/articles/false-messiahs/ Second the book Scapegoat by Andrea Dworkin. You can search online to find a free pdf. There’s an article by Dworkin also I will try to find. And this from a Palestinian reflecting on the dual histories https://www.bostonreview.net/articles/false-messiahs/. 01:56:03 paola melchiori: Women on Ukrainian border, We crashed on borders and logistics…believe or not, the idea is very very good , let us retake it eventually 01:57:35 shana deane: Reacted to "Women on Ukrainian b..." with ❤️ 01:58:22 paola melchiori: What about 1325…now used to have more women in the Nato.. 01:58:35 Tina Minkowitz: The other article by Andrea Dworkin http://www.nostatusquo.com/ACLU/dworkin/IsraelI.html 01:59:00 Miki Kashtan: how many women were involved in Ukraine? i continue to believe that if we are truly self-organized and very creative in terms of logistics, we can find a way. 01:59:01 ursula cotter: Reacted to "Women on Ukrainian b..." with 👍 01:59:11 Jodie Evans: Support South Africa at the ICJ https://www.codepink.org/icj 01:59:20 shana deane: Reacted to "how many women were ..." with 👍 01:59:20 paola melchiori: I agree Miki 01:59:48 Marya Flynn: Reacted to "how many women were ..." with ✨ 01:59:51 Vivi Letsou: The YouTube link was for this program:A vision for building true peace in Israel-Palestine Webinar discussion held on 17 January 2024 with Maoz Inon, Hiba Husseini, May Pundak and Hamze Awawde, hosted by Jonathan Leighton. 02:00:08 Tina Minkowitz: Reacted to "Sign on to Jews lett…" with 👍 02:00:13 Miki Kashtan: here again is the statement about war that i mentioned earlier. https://nglcommunity.org/responding-to-war-with-love/ 02:00:22 Susan Chan: I have to leave. This has been very empowering and valuable. Thank you. 02:01:32 Cristina Herencia: Thanks to all sisters today. I think the issue of genocide deserves another special meeting at least once more!! It is a life and death matter! 02:01:44 Tina Minkowitz: Reacted to "Thanks to all sister…" with 👍 02:01:57 tracy gary: There is so much wisdom and moving her story and inspiration and courage here. Thank you each. AND honored diversity of opinion. And strategy. Thank you. I suggest we consider and write here and over time to perhaps share each of us: LET us take this tape and share it, fully reviewing it first. May we reflect deeply on what we have heard and see how this powerful call has influenced us. What given your sphere of influence will be your next steps and ways to newly speak up and share your perspective and voice. Especially given what is in your heart and need for healing, compassion and courage. What IS your OUR next step given our sphere’s of influence, smalll local circles and larger as if we will join with others. Thank you for all the resources. 02:01:59 Patricia White: From my historical perspective, if there was no bible, there would be no international war. 02:02:46 shana deane: Reacted to "here again is the st..." with ❤️ 02:02:47 Guadalupe Urbina: Thank you Jodie. 02:02:50 Patricia White: Conditions conducive to life. I love that. Thank You. 02:03:05 Audrey Hotchkiss: I want to thank all the speakers and everyone here for joining in this community. I am in Maine on unceded Wabanaki territory. I have been feeling very isolated and this meeting has shown me I am not alone. It is snowing here today, and as you all spoke a chickadee visited the new birdfeeder at my window for the first time. I have found some inner calm today that gives me energy for the things I know I can now do in my sphere of influence, as Miki referenced. Thank you again - this has been wonderful. 02:03:06 tracy gary: Beautiful. ALL each. 02:03:52 MaryClare Foecke: Seeing Joan Marler here, and remembering the legacy of Gimbutas’ work in reminding us of the civilization of the Goddess as a vision that can free us from this 6,000 years of war and violence delusion. 02:04:28 Jodie Evans: Sign on to Jews letter to Germany to stop support of Israel in ICJ https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSewrhGCVb65utkrKv2kctD67cVEIQSCkt-eLU0Lpm7IGm_6ZA/viewform 02:04:29 Patricia White: Reacted to "Seeing Joan Marler h..." with ❤️ 02:04:46 Patricia White: Reacted to "Sign on to Jews lett..." with 👍 02:04:57 luciana percovich: Thanks everyone, 02:05:01 angela miles: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) broadcast long excerpts from the South African and Israeli arguments at the Hague International Court of Justice: https://www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio/1-23-ideas/clip/16036587-ideas-hague-a-question-genocide 02:06:04 Nicki Koethner: Being here today has helped me to feel less powerless and value the sphere of influence as an Expressive Arts therapist and educator I already have as ell the continued devotion to create inner peace (that is a continued challenge). Being born 1971 in Germany and seeing the unprocessed intergenerational trauma passed on really speaks to cultivating the energy of love beyond any identity, while the pain that has been caused when identity has led to oppression and war, has to be acknowledged and processed. 02:06:36 Diane: Reacted to "Being here today has..." with ❤️ 02:06:47 Karen Davies: kkmdavies@yahoo.co.uk 02:06:50 Patricia White: Pwhite.red@gmail.com. Yes Mary Ann Beal let’s stay in touch. 02:06:50 Jodie Evans: Jodie Evans 310-621-5635 heartofj@gmail.com 02:07:10 shana deane: Reacted to "Being here today has..." with ❤️ 02:07:54 Tina Minkowitz: tminkowitz@earthlink.net 02:08:22 MaryClare Foecke: 100,000 women in white dancing! 02:08:31 Judith Wouk: jwouk@ncf.ca 02:08:48 Bob in BC Canada: Reacted to "100,000 women in whi..." with 👍 02:08:52 Bob in BC Canada: Reacted to "100,000 women in whi..." with ❤️ 02:08:54 Patricia White: Dancing is part of every gathering here in Secwepemc Territory yes very healing 02:09:04 Patricia White: Reacted to "100,000 women in whi..." with ❤️ 02:09:16 shana deane: dance is an ancient technology of sacred kinship and physicality and love, conducive to life (joan) 02:09:42 Ronnie Joy Leah: Thank you Joan. Dancing is the way to embody peace. 02:10:52 Miki Kashtan: i would like to say something in closing, still can't raise my hand... 02:11:36 Letecia Layson: Yes Miki, you, Paola, Peggy and Gen with closing statements 02:13:21 Cristina Herencia: Patriarchy is the root of all twistedness in the present world! 02:13:50 ursula cotter: Reacted to "Patriarchy is the ro..." with 👍 02:13:50 Vivi Letsou: And can we have the info for our host organization tonight please? 02:14:01 shana deane: a field of love strong enough to melt the patriarchy. (not to smash it). and to liberate the field, and that includes Netanyahu, Biden and Hitler. love is the fuel. (miki) 02:14:17 Patricia White: Reacted to "a field of love stro..." with ❤️ 02:14:22 Diane: Replying to "And can we have the ..." https://www.maternalgifteconomymovement.org 02:14:34 tracy gary: This call has been Divinely inspired. LOVE has and is the fuel, Than you each. BEAUTIFUL. NOT only healing full of strategy, feeling and inspiration. SO SO wonderful dear global sisters. We were at our very very best and so so full of amazing ideas. Lets advance it all. 02:14:40 Frieda Werden: Thank you everyone. First sense of possibility I have felt for a long time. 02:14:45 Patricia White: Replying to "And can we have the ..." ❤️ 02:14:50 shana deane: what was the quote paola recited? 02:14:57 Miki Kashtan: yes, i think of much of what we do within the nonviolent global liberation community as untwisting patriarchal patterning. 02:15:00 Nicki Koethner: feeling less alone in the caring 02:15:37 MaryClare Foecke: Thank you for the opportunity to all be on screed together. We are a “strange attractor!” 🙂 02:15:49 Miki Kashtan: http://nglcommunity.org for anyone who is curious about what we do. 02:16:10 tracy gary: Tracy Gary, Tiburon CA near the Golden Gate Bridge. tracygary1@gmail.com 02:16:31 tracy gary: Letecia and Gen you are simply the best. WE are SO grateful for ALL efforts. 02:16:42 shana deane: PAOLA: what was the quote you started your closing with? about acceptance? 02:16:45 Diane: Register for Salon #56 @ https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_sGcp7mqKSxmft8NxyQT70A 02:16:47 Marya Flynn: Yes, Ben, Thank you from the bottom of my Heart!!!💜✨💜✨💜 02:16:58 Jodie Evans: we have a gathering like this every week at CODEPINK that anyone can join, and be inspired by all that is happening across the world. https://www.codepink.org/missingp22 02:17:07 Marya Flynn: Genevieve!!! 02:18:14 Jodie Evans: To join Medea in Congress you can learn more here https://www.codepink.org/congressjan22-26 02:18:15 Patricia White: “WOMEN AND THE GIFT ECONOMY” ed: Genevieve Vaughan. - just received and relishing this wonderful book! 02:18:36 Cristina Herencia: Se ha reaccionado a "Thank you everyone..." con ❤️ 02:18:45 Jodie Evans: The case against Genocide is led by women, it is breathtaking to read and hear their words. 02:19:00 shana deane: fyi: a pro-peace group/movement: 🪷 To join 'Voices of Solidarity' https://chat.whatsapp.com/Cxa9A3WWkhN4F9XoRdO2rT 02:19:00 Cristina Herencia: Se ha reaccionado a "The case against G..." con 👍 02:19:11 Chele Scholl: This meeting is power in action. I feel blessed to have been a part of this conversation 💙 02:19:14 Maria Suarez Toro: Yes, Jody…. Amazing 02:19:21 paola melchiori: It was continuing what Peggy started quoting from Martin Luther King, I go by memory, We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope 02:19:29 Cristina Herencia: Se ha reaccionado a "Letecia and Gen yo..." con 👍 02:19:48 shana deane: Reacted to "It was continuing wh..." with ❤️ 02:19:58 Cristina Herencia: Se ha reaccionado a "It was continuing ..." con ❤️ 02:20:02 Jodie Evans: Check out Medea in the halls of the Senate this week https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6ROK46xeaw&t=8s 02:20:12 Patricia White: Thank You Letecia ❤️ 02:20:19 Vivi Letsou: Not a struggle—a celebration of empowerment that comes from love and from the heart 02:20:20 Diane: “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” - MLK 02:20:51 Jo Hayward-Haines: There’s lots to do to confirm the need for women’s leadership in a world too long devastated by conflict and brutalizing war. This is such a great gathering to really bring about the change so desperately needed for everyone with love. 02:20:53 shana deane: Reacted to "There’s lots to do t..." with ❤️ 02:21:04 Cristina Herencia: Se ha reaccionado a "Genevieve!!!" con ❤️ 02:21:05 shana deane: Reacted to "“We must accept fini..." with ❤️ 02:21:26 Diane: Salon #56 https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_sGcp7mqKSxmft8NxyQT70A 02:21:54 tracy gary: DIVINELY INSPIRED. each and a;;. Onward with your next steps. Thank you so much. 02:22:15 Jodie Evans: We must start by supporting the women leading, support South Africa’s case - call for your country to join South Africa. Support South Africa at the ICJ https://www.codepink.org/icj 02:22:24 shana deane: song from Guadalupe? 02:22:39 MaryClare Foecke: This format, with everyone on screen, is so powerful. Thank you!! 02:23:10 Cristina Herencia: Se ha reaccionado a "song from Guadalup..." con ❤️ 02:23:20 Maria Suarez Toro: Jodie, what about an Amicus Causa about the genocide war against all reproduction? 02:25:59 Nicki Koethner: touching and inspiring! 02:26:00 Patricia White: Oh my Heart what a beautiful song Guadelupe 02:26:11 shana deane: Reacted to "Oh my Heart what a b..." with ❤️ 02:26:12 Laura KANDLE: Reacted to "Oh my Heart what a..." with ❤️ 02:26:15 shana deane: Reacted to "touching and inspiri..." with ❤️ 02:26:20 Jodie Evans: Thank you Gen and Leticia and all who shared 02:26:21 shana deane: <3 02:26:24 tracy gary: INSPIRED, gayly forward dear feminist sisters