Maternal Gift Economy: Breaking Through -
Ongoing Salons
Every two weeks

Salon #46 - Feedback from the Conference of the Association for the Study of Women and Mythology and the Global Day of Sisterhood
May 27, 2023
Featuring Areeya Marie Sharpe (USA), Guadalupe Urbina (Costa Rica), Judith Wouk (Canada), Letecia Layson (USA), Sid Reger (USA), Maria Suarez Toro (Costa Rica), Maya Vassallo Di Florio (Italy)
Last May 7th, 2023, the International Feminists for a Gift Economy (IFGE) organized A Day of Global Sisterhood at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Syracuse, New York, USA following the conference of the Association for the Study of Women and Mythology (ASWM).
The self organized day of music, ritual, dance, food and deliberations took place from 10 am to 4 pm. It was attended by 38 participants of different adult ages, ethnicities, nationalities and walks of life, all sharing in common the concerns and experiences regarding the state of the waters of the planet and the need to further women’s work, studies and spiritualities reclaiming our lost historical place in societies – past and present- where a balance in our specie’s relationship to all beings has had women’s contribution as central to the Planet’s wellbeing with all its families.
The conference organized by ASWM explored water mythos, divinity, beings and ecology, recognizing the deplorable state of the waters of the planet due to contamination and the desecration of its sacredness in our ancestral myhthology. Many of the presentors developed their academic, ancestral knowledge and proactive activism regarding the often unacknowledged interpetations of such connections.