Maternal Gift Economy: Breaking Through -
Ongoing Salons

Every two weeks

Salon #61 - Goddess and the Gift

Featuring Maya Vassallo Di Florio & Rev. Areeya Marie Sharpe. With Genevieve Vaughan

Moderated by Letecia Layson.

Maya Vassallo Di Florio

The Temple of the Great Goddess (Tempio della Grande Dea) of Rome it’s the first Goddess Temple of Italy after more than 2000 years. Founded by Maya Vassallo Di Florio, is both a sacred place dedicated to Goddess Aphrodite and a research center in the anthropological and archaemythological fields that collaborated with Universities and Academia.

Exactly like a temple of the past, it has a cultural, spiritual, educational and social role for its community in expansion. It is based on Matricentric Values and aims at fully practicing the Gift Economy as theorized by Genevieve Vaughan.

This is a revolutionary community, based on the sacredness of the Cycles of Life and of Biophilia, that as a non profit organization carries on lots of precious projects.

Maya Vassallo Di Florio is the founder of the first modern Goddess temple in Italy. She started the Goddess Temple of Rome, and its community with the intent of creating healthier models of existence, educating participants towards a new social paradigm. She provides courses of study and research based on the matricentric values of care, Gift Economy, peaceful communication, partnership, respect for the planet and love of life in all its forms. She collaborates with La Sapienza University and gives talks and workshops about Goddess Spirituality and Matriarchy throughout Italy and the world. Some projects of international relevance are: "Three Year Training Priestess of the Sea - Priestess of Aphrodite"©, "Re-Activation of :Goddess Ancient Temples and Places", "Roma Goddess Conference"©.

More information @ | |

Rev. Areeya Marie Sharpe

Rev. Areeya Marie Sharpe is an Interfaith Minister, Artist, Chef and Ceremonialist that has worked in large scale Themed Prop Construction and Fabrication, Visual/SacredSound Art and Private Chef venues for over a decade, serving Las Vegas and several other locales around the world. Creating recipes of visual/sound art, prayerFull cuisine and sacred scent honoring the earth, sacred sites and ceremonies.  Gratitude for 25yrs of education, nourishment and encouragement provided in Las Vegas community art projects, music, song, group ceremony and woman's circles. Living and perpetuating the " Arts of Sanctuary", *** Those creative and sacred art expressions that offer the sanctuary of sustainable and compassionate, mindful living methods... body, speech and mind."*** "that space, that place of all love and grace". Honoring rites of passage and practices that offer sanctuary of essence in reciprocity with all our relations. Thank you for every day, in every way life gifts opportunities to share LunaSol Salutations, that union of heaven and earth in our hearts... here in the Mojave desert, in and around the world. Thank you beloved teachers, guides, friends, family and the divine essence that guides for the best good of all beings, in this life, throughout all lives.

Home nested in the desert over a couple decades, Areeya lives between Nevada, Western Mass, CT, Oregon, NC and Costa Rica while Interfaith Ministering and Priestessing. A Devotee of Sekhmet she is also a Lohan Shaolin Ngakmo practitioner and Medical Qigong student. Areeya enjoys studying, documenting and perpetuating the "Arts of Sanctuary" while visiting and serving Buddhist Sangha, Earth Centered Goddess Temples and sacred art communities established and yet to be established, around the world. Blessed to guide folks for 18yrs with Journeys to the Temple of Goddess Spirituality Dedicated to Sekhmet, in Cactus Springs, NV. Currently a co-care tender at the Temple since Jan 2021, living in an experiment of Maternal Gifting, honoring Genevieve Vaughn's wondrous offering to the world, a Temple perpetuating Goddess Spirituality, Peace Activism and the Maternal Gift Economy. You can find Areeya most often singing, co-creating ceremony, playing an instrument, creating altars and practicing Qigong!

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